
July 11, 2024

Book Marketing Marathon: Why Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Book marketing is a lot like running a marathon. It’s not something you can do quickly and expect amazing results. Just like marathon runners need to train and prepare for months, authors need to invest time and effort into marketing their boo…

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July 4, 2024

8 Simple Tricks to Keep Your Book Alive and Kicking

Imagine you’ve spent years working on your nonfiction book. You’ve dedicated countless late nights and weekends to perfect every detail.  When it finally hits the shelves, the reception is amazing. Readers rave about it, and you fe…

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June 27, 2024

8 Steps to Fail Forward to Boost Your Book Marketing Success

In Seth Godin’s book The Icarus Deception, he talks about “failing forward.” This means that even when you fail, you move forward by learning from your mistakes. Instead of fearing failure, you use it as a stepping stone to success…

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June 20, 2024

Top 10 Marketing Trends Every Nonfiction Author Needs to Know

With over 3.5 million nonfiction books published annually, you face unique challenges and opportunities when marketing your work. Unlike fiction, which often relies on a good story and a popular genre, your nonfiction book is typically based on you…

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June 13, 2024

3 Book Marketing Pitfalls Nonfiction Authors Need to Avoid

Now that your book is finally finished, you’re probably eager to share your hard-earned wisdom and unique insights with the world. The countless hours spent researching, writing, and tirelessly editing — I can only imagine the dedication…

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June 6, 2024

Interactive Magic: Turn Your Nonfiction Writing into an Unforgettable Experience

As a nonfiction author, you know the struggle all too well, capturing and holding your reader’s attention is no easy feat. With an endless stream of content at their fingertips, how can you ensure that your work truly resonates and keeps your …

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May 30, 2024

Marketing Madness: 5 Myths Every First-Time Nonfiction Author Needs to Bust

So, you’ve finally done it. After countless late nights, bottomless cups of coffee, and what feels like a lifetime of writer’s block, your nonfiction book is out in the world. Give yourself a pat on the back and maybe a well-deserved nap…

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May 23, 2024

Procrastination to Promotion: Market Your Nonfiction Book with Confidence

You did it! After all the hard work of researching, writing, and revising, your nonfiction book is finally ready to be published.  As a first-time author, you might be feeling a mix of emotions — excitement, pride, and maybe even a littl…

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May 16, 2024

From Blah to Wow: How to Transform Your Nonfiction Book Descriptions

Have you ever picked up a book solely because its description was irresistible? That’s the power of a few well-chosen words! Writing a great book description is an art form, and it can make a big difference in how well your book sells. But ho…

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May 9, 2024

8 Dynamic Steps to Market Your Nonfiction Book

Imagine this: You just finished writing your nonfiction book. It’s your magnum opus, and you’re excited to share it with the world. You know that your book has something special to offer readers, but you’re not sure how to reach th…

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